New Doll Available!

After a bit of a hiatus, I have started repainting dolls again for offer in my Etsy shop! This one has been done for a bit, but life is finally allowing me to post her. For some reason, I really love working on freckled dolls, and they also seem to be pretty quick sellers for me which tells me that others like them as well!

I have another work in progress (WIP) that Ishould be finishing up soon and hope to get her photo’d this weekend for posting.

Thanks and enjoy!




New Vlog Up! #2 – Criticism and Anxiety

I had an interesting experience yesterday at work, and I blogged about it on my sister site that I started this weekend (total coincedence!) but going to cross-post it here as well for anyone interested. Please make sure to subscribe and feel free to leave comments if the desire strikes.

To Vlog, Or Not To Vlog, That Is The Question…..

I have been watching a TON of makeup tutorials lately and it got me thinking – I have a lot to say. Usually thoughts will creep into my head and I’ll think to myself that it would be wonderful to put that into the world and share it, but I don’t always have the time, as I’d like, to sit down and write out a post about it . Worse, I’ll get the thought, and not be in a place where I can take advantage of stopping to write it down and post it. Enter the idea to start vlogging – or video logging – even here on my WordPress Blog. Would be easy enough to upload a vlog, and then come back here at the end of the day to share it as a post.

I’v considered SnapChat – and I do have a SnapChat account because though I’ve posted nothing, there are people I enjoy following for purely entertainment reasons and I’ve found some fun contests to be a part of. (I’m still waiting to win on said contests, but you get nothing if you don’t try!) The issue with SnapChat is you only get a few seconds, and there are topics that I certainly need more than a few minutes to converse about!

I would kinda like to try, as an ‘older’ woman, to recreate some of the make up tutorials I loved to watch. I’d also like to do some first impression vlogs about any number of products, and some social observation as well.

So I start to research, as I’m want to do, what I would need to use equipment wise for a good looking, solid blog. Holy OMG…$700 for a camera? Maybe eventually, but for now I think I’m going to see what I can finagle with my cell phone, a tripod, and some decent lighting. Maybe that can be part of the vlog too – how to build one.

If your interested, and would be curious what a 39 year old mother, full time office worker, recovering goth, nail obsessed, newly reinvigorated make up maven and general all around outspoken crafty sort of woman has to say, then let me know!

July Was A Whirlwind…

I realized this morning that I hadn’t blogged in a while and when I logged in to see where my last blog left me, I saw that it was 6/30/16! Bad blogger for not being more consistent. I really do need to work on that. Perhaps that’s a post in and of itself.

July was filled with quite a bit of insight, upheaval and dealing with travel (for my other half – not for me unfortunately) and in dealing with all of it life just sort of caught up to me. That being said, with kindergarten fast approaching for my littlest one, I suspect that August will be just as busy, albeit with more opportunity to take a few moments of my days and post something that will hopefully be worth while to read. I’m still figuring out this whole ‘blogging’ thing after all.

I need to get back to making my dolls and refreshing the stock in my etsy shop. I love to work on them, but they do consume quite a bit of time – particularly if I’ve opted to reroot their hair and I have a tendency to just sit down and work, work, work once an idea hits me. I’ve been seeing a LOT of Suicide Squad Harley Quinn’s of late and that makes me happy. Some great ones have been created and I have to say the attention to detail amazes me.


Then there is the bracelets, which I also have been loving to make because they are quick, easy and something I can work on while watching TV at night. Been bouncing around the idea of trying to create some matching earrings for them to – but need to source some solid and affordable posts as I am HORRIBLY sensitive to anything plated and wish not to sell something I can’t also wear. I find it important that even if no one inquires, I wear my own creations daily. If you won’t wear your own stuff, then why would you think someone else would want to as well?!



I’ve also been batting the idea around to add some vlogs to my posts. I’ve been hell bent on relearning how best to apply make up and I’ve yet to see one from someone my age – which though I don’t look nearly close to what people would think 39 looks like, there are some base differences to how I can apply make up to say a twenty-something with fresh skin. I’ve also been wanting to post opinions of products and what I find works for me – in an effort to help out those in the ‘older’ set. If there is an interest in that, please let me know in the comments!

Racing is something I need to get back into as well once the weather is more conducive to running outside. I find running on the treadmill to be difficult at best since I can’t train in intervals nearly as easily (why for has the health and fitness industry not created a treadmill in which you can program timed intervals?! Get on that engineering/programming types!) I’ve been doing well on Weight Watchers and have managed through their program and walking 10000 steps a day approximately to loose a total of 12 lbs in about as many weeks so it’s a good, solid and manageable progression. Only 27 more to go!

There really has been a lot going on, and a ton that I want to start discussing more openly regarding my point of view on things. I just need to organize and start working on them. Stay tuned for more!



Newly Listed – Memorial Day 2016 Edition

Recently I expanded my shop to include beaded stretch bracelets. I had recently gone to the department stores to look for some accessories to go along with that whole upping my game at work, and make up and accessories are likely the best way to do that while still being ‘me’. What appalled me is how unbelievably expensive they were. I realized then that I could not only make some, but that I could make styles that I really like.


New stuff posted for sale!


Let me know what you think through my various social media outlets and happy shopping!



MakeUp Is A Drug, I Tell Ya!

With the piqued interest I’ve had of late to up my game with the professional gothiness, I’ve rediscovered that make up is, indeed, a drug.

I go out to get a few thing to start freshening up my look and lo and behold I’m watching Jeffree Star tutorials (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) and running to Ulta every weekend to try out new Nyx lippies and various other things that I feel I now need including Jeffree’s own Velour Liquid Lipstick and his newly released Beauty Killer palette.

I’m honestly trying to find time to work on new looks and perfect my technique. Particularly with my eyeliner.

I’m learning all about fall out. Learning all this stuff I thought I knew in high school and had no clue about.

I’m learning different brands, and who is best for what. I’m learning what things work best for me.

Yes, I’m going to be 40 soon, and I’m enjoying a second sort of teenagedom. 🙂

I Did It! First 10k In The Books….


That was my time for the Inaugural Star Wars – Dark Side 10k at Walt Disney World. This was also my personal first 10k and one that I had been feeling completely unprepared for. It wasn’t necessarily pretty and it was HOT and muggy as is the current climate of Florida. But I started, I finished, and I earned that Tie Fighter medal. I was 745 in my division, 3969 in my gender with 6921 women running and 12172 runners completing the race.

I’ll take it.

Not only will I take it, I have another 5k coming up in June to keep me motivated and not sitting on my butt in the hot and humid summer sun.

I have also started taking full advantage of my YMCA membership and getting into the gym three times a week during lunch breaks to cross-train. Generally legs and lower back one day, light cardio the next and arms and upper body/abs the third. All with a 10 minute attack on the elliptical to get heart rate up.

I’ve seen a lot of offers lately on my Facebook feed for friends that are peddling Plexus and Shakeology. Now, don’t get me wrong – I have P90X and T25 in my arsenal at home for the days where I might want to get something a little extra in (which hasn’t happened in quite come time because, well, LIFE and there are so many things I want to do with my time at home like my dolls and new capital ventures in the works) I’ve even been seeing OrangeTheory quite a bit lately as well and know that will be close to my office soon. But thinking that this way works for my schedule, budget and everything in between.

Now to see what progress I can make in the next year.

One Week and Counting…

Well, technically 8 days until the race itself. But in eight days, this shall be mine!


Isn’t it pretty!? I have struggled all year long, both mentally and physically with training. I’ve used excuses to not run, I’ve allowed myself to grow stagnant mentally and then I when I decided enough so that I could obtain this beauty right there, I started to have physical issues with my legs. I finally completed 6.2 miles a bit ago. It wasn’t at all fast. It wasn’t nearly close to the level of running I was at when I allowed my brain to stop me. But it will be enough and this, this will be in my collection.

I’m pretty much tapering this week and next in preparation for it only so that I don’t inadvertently push myself into injury. Shoes do indeed make all the difference (I’ll likely write on that later as I have a new pair arriving today I am going to be trying out)

Now, to figure out of the idea I have in my head for a race costume (my first) will be successful. That is the focus for my upcoming weekend.

In addition, I found out that this Springs Dapper Day will take place the same weekend that the race will be on which means that the parks will be packed with sartorial delight and frivolity. Should make for an interesting mix. I’m still considering bringing something to wear for that as well, if for nothing else than to just be silly and have a good time.

Wish me luck!



When I Grow Up….

I was thinking about this on my drive into work this morning, what do I want to be when I grow up? This thought was prompted by watching two older gentlemen, bundled up by Florida standards in the lower-50 degree temps, playing golf. Where I work, our CEO is in her 70’s and you wouldn’t think she was over 55 in her appearance in part because she’s active, constantly learning and continually working on something be it professional or personal.

Here I sit, inching closer to what everyone considers the dreaded 4-0 and not overtly worried about it. I haven’t ever looked my age, and I certainly don’t act my age (whatever that means) enough that there are times I know it’s gotten me in proverbial hot water both professionally and socially.



I was always brought up that age is simply a number – a chronological marking on the time spent on this planet from birth to death. Indeed, in America we don’t count you as a year old until after you’ve completed 365 days on this Earth – conversely depending on your cultural age reckoning system it may mean that you are automatically a year old on the day you’re born.  Age was something to be respected, but in my household it wasn’t something that should determine how you act necessarily. Maturity should, yes, but given that people mature at different speeds, my mother in particular never really stressed that I was such-and-such an age so I had to act THIS way, unless of course, I was 13 and throwing a temper tantrum.


Which begs to differ, as we do age, and with ‘elderly’ being almost a term of disdain in America in particular, what do I want to be when I grow up as I’ve certainly not gotten there just yet? I want to be active, yes. I want to have activities I enjoy that not only keep my body moving, but my mind engaged. I want to be happy, certainly, and hopefully have been successful enough during my working years that I can be comfortable enough in my retirement, whenever that may come. I think I’ll likely be the sort that still has at least a part-time job when I’m officially retired as I can’t quite see myself being STILL for that long. I want to travel, to explore, to do the things that working precludes me from regularly doing. I want to enjoy other cultures and immerse myself in new experiences. I’m not exactly sure what that will make me. But it’s a goal at least. I want to be classic, and outspoken and be able to inspire people somehow, kinda like this lady here…



Helen Mirren, in case you didn’t know…

I want to know that the impression I’ve left on this Earth, either directly or indirectly through my children, is a positive one; that I’ve raised boys who are respectful, gentlemenly, supportive, creative, intelligent and witty. I want to know that the art I create can be appreciated by someone, somewhere. That my words, be they spoken or written, as well as my experiences and wisdom can help someone else in a time of need.

So I think, regardless how I act (or don’t act) now  – that I’m on the right path. I guess I’ll see when I get there, if I ever should.



To Debox or Not To Debox…..That is the Question

Hamlet asked “To be, or not to be – that is the question” in his contemplation of death and suicide. Now, certainly this post isn’t about anything nearly as morose or extreme as suicide, but the phrase has become a sort of pop-culture reference when making what one deems to be an important (or at least dramatic) decision.

For those that collect, the debate about whether to debox their collections or keep them in tact, on the card and in their cardboard/plastic packaging has been ongoing. There are indeed arguments on both sides, and certainly a well-kept collection can in time prove to be a very valid and profitable investment. Recently, it has been discussed that investing in Lego’s was more secure and profit driven than investing in gold or anything else.


When it comes to dolls, as well, there is an added layer. Many times, the dolls are absolutely gorgeous and for certain brands, like the Bob Mackie Barbie Dolls, you want to ensure that they are kept in their boxes as their values can exponentially increase. When it comes to lower end dolls however, there are things to be considered.

Monster High ranks 3rd behind Barbie and Disney Princesses as the best selling brand of dolls currently on the  market. Granted, both Monster High and Barbie are owned by Mattel, which unquestionably has a stronghold on the fashion doll market. (Something that Hasbro hopes to toppel having obtained the Disney Princesses line from Mattel for 2016.) But that also means that they aren’t as likely to retain the same sort of investment value that more established and ‘collector’ level dolls command.

Though a vast majority of the dolls I currently ‘own’ are for customizing and reselling in my Etsy store, I do have a few dolls that I simply enjoy or love that I’ve added to a personal collection. That collection has grown some since I started this journey a little over a year ago and most of the dolls that I have for personal are alternative dolls and not the original ‘ghouls’. Now, the benefit there is that these dolls generally only show up once or twice and then are gone while the original ghouls are utilized through out all the series that are released. Innately that means that the ones I generally gravitate towards collecting personally are more rare.

Collectors know that a valuable item will be valuable regardless; but if you are able to get one mint, in box, with undamaged or acceptably worn packaging than that will significantly increase the value of the items you keep. Taking them out of their packaging can devalue them, and depending on the item, that could be a huge hit.

Of course, there is always the argument that one should collect things they love because they love them, and because they want to enjoy them. Now, as an adult I don’t have a desire to play with my dolls though I know quite a few adult collectors who find great joy in the practice and I find no fault in their enjoyment. I just want to display mine and think that displaying them out of their boxes is more appealing. Others disagree with that. My conundrum comes from wanting to display them out of box (not just for aesthetic but for sheer space constraints!) but also wanting to maintain their inherent value!


Such is the life of a collector.